Me with my Miami Vice, which was a strawberry daquiri and
a pina colada mixed

Bryce drinking his Mango daquiri that had alcohol in it
even though he said "NO SERVESA!"
Don't worry, he only drank about half of it before he realized
that it had alcohol in it lol.

I was excited

We took a glass bottom boat tour to the famous Cabo arch

Where we ate breakfast every morning. It was right
on the beach and it was the best breakfast I have ever had

Me doing the taquila dance with everyone else.
I guess Bryce found it humorous

The mariachi band on Cinco de Mayo

With our favorite waiter Uziel

Just laying by the pool. Bryce finally woke up!

Some random Mexican doing awesome tricks with his horse

The food I ate....

The food Bryce ate lol


Downtown Cabo

This was a REAL lizard just chillin by the pool with us

We had dinner on the beach one night

More parasailing pictures

We were scared

Can you believe how high we were!!!???

Laying out on the beach. Can you tell which feet are Bryce's by his birth mark?

Us on the beach

We took many pictures of us drinking pina coladas and daquiris because they
were free and they were so good

This is the killer whale waterslide. It was so much fun!
For our honeymoon we went to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. It was unreal. The food was amazing! We gained like 50 pounds! Okay not really, but it seemed like it. It was a true paradise.